College Station Cat Clinic

1010 College Ave.
Wheaton, IL 60187


Senior Cat Care


Orange and Black Medium Hair Cat Looking at Camera

We love our senior cats.


Cats are living longer, just as we are, and we need to offer our senior cats the increased level of care they need before age related illness occurs. Just as in humans, age related health problems can occur well before a cat shows any signs of this aging. Senior care begins by recognizing that older animals differ from young or adult animals due to the effects of aging.

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Senior care in cats parallels the increasing focus on senior or “wellness” care in humans. For example as we enter our 40’s, screening for high blood pressure or heart disease becomes more important. Moreover, women recognize the importance of a baseline mammogram at this time. In veterinary medicine, early detection of kidney, liver, thyroid or heart disease and management of chronic disease such as arthritis can begin at 10 years of age.

Some may ask the question, “why 10 years of age”? Of course, a cat doesn’t become suddenly old at 10 years any more than a person at age 50, but around this time in your cat’s life we must work together to pay closer attention to your cat’s health status. Senior cats need more frequent physical examinations, more comprehensive diagnostic testing and an increased awareness of abnormal symptoms by the owner beginning at age 10.

Orange and Black Cat Sitting on Tan Couch

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As your cat enters their “senior” years conditions may develop. These may occur singly or in conjunction with other illnesses.


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Gray Cat With Orange Eyes Sitting on Orange Couch

These include:

Paw Icon Periodontal disease

Paw Icon Osteoarthritis

Paw Icon Heart disease

Paw Icon Kidney/Liver disease

Paw Icon Diabetes

Paw Icon Thyroid Disease

Paw Icon Behavior Changes (CDS)

Paw Icon Cancer


Our solution: We offer a senior screening of:

Paw Icon Complete blood cell count

Paw Icon Chemistry profile

Paw Icon Thyroid analysis

Paw Icon Complete urinalysis

Paw Icon Fecal exam


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As a baseline on all cats over 10 years of age we screen for underlying problems with the following tests:


Paw Icon Blood Pressure

Paw Icon ECG

Paw Icon X-Rays

Paw Icon Ultrasound


These may be recommended based on the cats physical examination or results of the senior profile. The diagnostic equipment necessary for this testing is all located in the clinic and can be done by experienced veterinarians. It is our goal to increase the standard of care for senior cats. This will result in cats living longer, happier, healthier lives and gives you more precious time to treat them like family.