College Station Cat Clinic

1010 College Ave.
Wheaton, IL 60187




Cat with skin lesion being examined

About Dermatology


When it comes to caring for your pets skin, we offer diagnostic tests and treatments for a wide variety of skin disorders in cats.

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Most allergic diseases of cats affect the skin. However, ear infections and asthma in cats can also be allergic disorders. Common types of allergies include airborne substances (pollens, molds, dust mites), reactions to food and bites from insects (fleas, mosquitoes). A variety of factors such as the age of the cat, breed, seasonality of the condition and location on the cat’s body as well as the appearance of the skin disorder help us to narrow the possible causes for the condition. A systematic approach which includes specific diagnostic tests and your cat’s response to therapy will give us the best results in controlling your cat’s condition.

Two Kittens Playing Next to Window

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Orange Cat with Green Eyes on White Blanket


Many diseases of the skin can be caused by a sensitivity to fleas, ticks and mange mites. A thorough examination including skin scraping and, in some instances, biopsy is necessary to identify the underlying cause.

Infectious Diseases of the Skin

Infectious diseases range from bacterial to fungal. Ringworm is a commonly recognized disease, which is not caused by a “worm” but rather a fungus. Bacterial infections may appear as a circular scaly rash or pinpoint pimples and commonly are found secondary to allergies.

Ear Infections

Cats may have recurrent ear infections due to allergies. Many times we refer to the ear canal as an extension of the patient's skin and due to its structure, it is often a site of inflammation unseen to us that over time results in infection and ear pain.

Autoimmune Skin Diseases

These are diseases in which the body’s own immune system attacks the skin as if it were a foreign tissue. These conditions appear like other common allergies but then respond poorly to treatment. Autoimmune diseases are commonly diagnosed by exclusion and biopsy.

Hormonal Disease

Many internal problems can cause skin disease. Disease of the liver, adrenal glands, and thyroid can result in skin disorders. These hormonal abnormalities are more common in our middle age to older cats. A blood chemistry profile, complete blood cell count and thyroid analysis are recommended.

Skin Cancer

Many tumors are located within the skin. Some of these are benign (non-cancerous) and others malignant (cancerous). Pre-surgical biopsies are recommended. Once diagnosed, a custom treatment plan is developed.